Lines of Research

Nutritional and body composition evaluation, study of new methodologies to assess the body composition, electric bioimpedance and nutritional state, as well as the consequences of malnutrition in clinical and surgical patients.

Evaluation of Nutritional and Body Composition
Study of new methodologies to assess the body composition, electric bioimpedance and nutritional state, as well as the consequences of malnutrition in clinical and surgical patients.

Health Services Evaluation
Investigations about the evaluation of health policies, programs and services; with focus on the basic attention and psychosocial attention to bearers of mental suffering in CAPs.

It investigates: social inequality and health, with emphasis in child growth and development, and application of epidemiology in health policies; construction and adaptation of scales and measurements in health; epidemiology of addictive behavior.

Electronic Microscopy for Genodermatose Transmission
To describe ultra structural aspects of genetic and inflammatory illnesses using scanning transmission electronic microscopies.

It’s aim is to study the neurobiology of the physiological and biological states, through behavioral and neurochemical studies, using clinical and pre-clinical models. Investigates the neurobiology of social behaviors, of learning and memory, of development, of neural injury and of psychiatric disorders.

Biological Evaluation in Pre-Clinical Studies
Evaluation of molecular, cellular, biochemical and physiological status in animal models and in cellular cultures.

Mother-Infant Health
Evaluate mother-infant health indicators and investigate factors related to mother and infant morbidity and mortality rates.

Health Psychology
The line of research in Health Psychology is an interdisciplinary area, with the objective of understanding how the biological, behavioral and social factors influence in health and illness.

Biomarkers of Brain Injury
The search for biological markers, measurable as indicators of a normal biological process, or in face of a pathological event, physiological response, disorder or intervention. As such, it aims to investigate possible biological markers that may provide a view or perspective of the central nervous system response to a stressor event.

Epidemiology of Oral Health
Development of researches related to population and clinic epidemiology, to the study of inequalities in oral health and the application of epidemiology in health policies.

Humor Disorders
Epidemiology, physiopathology and treatment for humor disorders. Its goal is to describe the prevalence and the psychosocial and biological factors of humor disorders, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention models. Aside from that, it searches for predictors of neuroprogression in bipolar disorder.

Clinical research
Development of controlled and randomized clinic studies, cohort study, case-control and cross-sectionals with the objective of investigating specific topics and subjects related to epidemiology, diagnostic and treatment of diseases in clinic or surgical patients, cared for in ambulatory or hospital environment.