
Discipline name: Linear Systems and Signals
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45 h Nature: Mandatory
Description: Discrete-over-time and continuous signals. Properties of discrete-over-time and continuous systems. Linear and invariant-over-time systems.
Fourier Analysis for discrete-over-time and continuous signals and systems. DFT e FFT. Signal filtering concepts. Discrete processing of continuous signals. Laplace transform. Z transform. Transformations between discrete-over-time and continuous systems.

Discipline name: Introduction to the Design of Integrated Circuits
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45 h Nature: Mandatory
Description: Introduction to the Design of Integrated Circuits
Description: Design of integrated circuits, CMOS circuits, CMOS manufacturing technology, characterization of CMOS circuits, CMOS project methods, design of CMOS subsystems.

Discipline name: Embedded Systems
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45 h Nature: Mandatory
Description: Introduction to Embedded Systems, hardware and software architectures; project methodologies; embedded operational systems; embedded software design; validation of combined hardware-software systems; estimate and simulation of embedded systems; design of low-power embedded systems.

Discipline name: Distributed Systems
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45 h Nature: Mandatory
Description: Fundamentals of distributed systems; communication paradigms in distributed systems; organization of distributed systems; coordination and synchronization in distributed systems; analysis of classic distributed algorithms; case studies involving middleware for cloud computing, pervasive computing and Internet of Things.

Discipline name: Pervasive and Cyber-Physical Systems
Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Networks of sensors and actuators, wired and wireless. Computerized systems for information acquisition and processing Protocols for interconnection of cyber-physical equipment. Context and Situation Science. Pro-active systems and autonomic computing. Middleware for pervasive computing, exploring cyber-physical equipment. Case studies involving pervasive applications which explore the infrastructure provided by Internet of Things.

Discipline name: Semiconductive Devices
Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Semiconductors’ physics concepts; Free electron theory in metals and semiconductors; Structure of semiconductor, conductor and dielectric devices and junctions in semiconductors.

Discipline name: Materials technology: Application in biological devices
Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Atomic structure and interatomic binding; crystalline solids; imperfections in solids; polymeric structures; manufacturing technology in biomedical devices

Discipline name: Digital Image Processing
Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Fundamentals and formation of digital images; transformed; filtering; highlighting; restoration; segmentation; compression.

Discipline Name: Design of Integrated Circuits for Signals Digital Processing
Credits: 2
Hourly load: 30 h
Description: Digital integrated circuits. Optimization of Architectures. Project Methodologies. Design of Dedicated VLSI Architectures. Techniques for VLSI Architectures Optimization.

Discipline name: Biological Communications
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory

Discipline name: Mathematical Methods for Electronic and Computer Engineering
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Vector Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Vector Calculus, Electromagnetic Waves, Inner Product and Orthogonality, Polynomial Interpolation, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.

Discipline name: Signal Handling for Dynamic Systems
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Multidimensional maps and flows, linear and non-linear stability, geometric theory and routes to chaos; Lyapunov Exponents; Attractors and Reconstruction Theory, Poincaré Section, Basins of Attraction, Power Spectrum and Autocorrelation Function, Technique of Image Contrast Enhancement; Chaos Control, Synchronization and Recurrence Graphs.

Discipline Name: Statistic Treatment of Discrete Random Signals
Hourly load: 30 h Nature: Non-mandatory
Description: Probability; Random processes; Estimation; Optimum filtering; Linear prediction; Spectral prediction; Adaptative filters