The Post-Graduation in Social Policy Program began to operate on March 2006, offering the Master’s course, which was bound then to the Social Service School of the Catholic University of Pelotas. In 2008, due to the academic/administrative restructuring of the University, it became directly bound to the Center of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of UCPEL, keeping its pedagogical proposal.
It is located in the building “B” of UCPEL Campus I, with academic infrastructure, classrooms, rooms for individual orientation for master’s students, research cores and meetings and administrative area, with space for the course’s coordination, secretariat and coordination of the scientific journal “Sociedade em Debate”. It has also bibliographical and document resources, as well as wide access to the computer network. It maintains cooperation interchanges with other national and international post-graduation courses.
Teacher Doctor Luiz Antônio Bogo Chies –
Coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Social Policy Program