
Mandatory Disciplines

Biostatistics I
Study of basic statistic methods for critical reading in the health area and for data analysis. Tabular and graphic presentation of data, selection and use of basic techniques of statistic inference and interpretation of its results.
Teacher: Janaína Vieira dos Santos Motta
Credits: 02

Biostatistics II
Study of basic statistic methods for critical reading in the health area and for data analysis. Tabular and graphic presentation of data, selection and use of basic techniques of statistic inference and interpretation of its results.
Teacher: Janaína Vieira dos Santos Motta
Credits: 02

Bioethics in Research
During the last decades, bioethics has emerged as a science of great expression in the global scenario, due to the accelerated biotechnological development. Conflicting matters generated at the core of the diverse scientific fields and structural contradictions in the social, economical, political and cultural areas, find nowadays in bioethics the necessary support to guide conscious decisions towards respect for human life in its broadest sense.
Teacher: Karen Amaral Tavares Pinheiro and Ricardo Tavares Pinheiro
Credits: 02

Post-graduation stricto sensu and teachers formation. University in Brazil. National system of superior education. Regulation of superior education. Teaching in superior education. Pedagogic project. Educational planning.
Teacher: Vera Figueiredo
Credits: 02

Basic Knowledge in Health
Biological aspects in the processes of health and illness. Clinic aspects in the area of health considering multidisciplinary: Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nursery, Dentistry, Psychology, Nutrition, Physical Education, Biotechnology, Biology, amongst others.
Teachers: Fernanda Nedel, Gabriele Ghisleni, Adriano Martimbianco de Assis, Jean Pierre Oses
Credits: 02

Quantitative Research Methods
This discipline’s objectives are to explain the causality principles of illnesses; to encourage the application of epidemiology in the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of health; to introduce the student to the nature and application of the epidemiological method; to teach the student the power and limitations of the epidemiology outlining principles.
Teacher: Elaine Pinto Albernaz
Credits: 02

Writing Workshop
The discipline’s main goal is to provide the student the opportunity to reflect on the various aspects (technical, literary, grammatical, artistic) of communication through the written word; another specific purpose is to stimulate the student to reflect on the subjects that involve teaching and teaching practice, considering the educational context in a sociological, historical and critical approach; Practical training by means of critic creation, presentation and discussion in class of technical (research projects, scientific articles) and non-technical (rehearsals, personal observations) written work.
Teacher: Luciana de Ávila Quevedo
Credits: 02

Research Practice
Planning and writing of research projects Construction and adaptation of assessment tools, with emphasis in essential psychometric requirements. Study of the specific methods of collection and interpretation of data, according to active projects during the period.
Teachers: Luciana de Ávila Quevedo and Janaína dos Santos Mota
Credits: 02

Practices in Biostatistics
Study of advanced statistics methods: Poisson regression, survival rate analysis, factorial analysis.
Teachers: Maria Cristina Gonzales and Karen Jansen
Credits: 02

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
This discipline’s goals are: To discuss the problems in traditional reviews; introducing the concept and general principles of medicine based on
evidences; to give students tools to perform systematic reviews; to exercise reading and critical assessment of scientific articles; to introduce the concept of meta-analysis; and to give students knowledge about quantitative and qualitative synthesis (meta-analysis) of randomized clinical essays.
Teachers: Maria Cristina Gonzalez and Maristela Böhlke
Credits: 02

Project Discussion Seminars I and II
Its goal is to critically evaluate research works in the health area. The project discussion seminars of the Post-Graduation in Health and Behavior Program are realized weekly, alternating the presentation of research work by program members or guests and the discussion of research projects by master’s and doctorate students.
Teachers: Jean Pierre Oses and Adriano Martimbianco de Assis
Credits: 01 (each)

Advanced Seminar I (Doctorate)
Teacher: Karen Jansen
Credits: 01

Advanced Seminar II (Doctorate)
Teacher: Karen Jansen
Credits: 01

Topics in Epidemiology (Doctorate)
This discipline’s goals are:
To encourage the application of epidemiology in the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health; To introduce the student to the nature and application of the epidemiological method; To present several relevant and current topics in quantitative research; To develop critic reading of scientific articles.
Teacher: Elaine Pinto Albernaz
Credits: 02

Non-mandatory Disciplines
Nutritional and Body Composition Evaluation
Study of new methodologies to assess the body composition, electric bioimpedance and nutritional state, as well as the consequences of malnutrition in clinical and surgical patients.
Teachers: Maria Cristina Gonzalez and Janaína dos Santos Motta
Credits: 02

Behavior’s Genetics (Doctorate)
Study of heredity with cellular basis. Basic concepts of DNA, gene, genotype, phenotype. Mendel’s laws. Polygenic heritage of behavior. Investigation methods as studies of gene expression and analysis of polymorphism and its applications. Genes versus environment. Current topics in the field of human genetics and discussion of ethical aspects.
Teachers: Gabriele Cordenonzi Ghisleni and Fernanda Nedel
Credits: 02

Mechanisms in Mental Health (Doctorate)
Basic Knowledge about Measurement in Mental Health Mechanisms of evaluation of behaviors associated to mental health. Diagnostic interviews and triage mechanisms. Mechanisms for evaluation of different mental disorders. Mechanisms for evaluation to be used in children and adolescents. Mechanisms for evaluation to be used in the elderly.
Teachers: Vera Figueiredo and Luciana de Ávila Quevedo
Credits: 02

Methods of Evaluation of Effectiveness of Psychotherapies (Doctorate)
Study of the theory, application and interpretation of instruments for evaluation of clinical states and effectiveness of psychotherapeutic and psychosocial interventions in humor changes.
Teachers: Vera Figueiredo and Luciana de Ávila Quevedo
Credits: 02
Qualitative Methods of Research (Doctorate)
The discipline’s main goal is to capacitate students to recognize the importance of the qualitative method in research in health, social and human science areas.
The discipline’s content encompasses the identification of problems, applications (planning) and uses (execution) of different qualitative approach methods present in the scientific field.
Credits: 02

Neuroinflammation (Doctorate)
One of the most important advances when investigating neurosciences is the understanding that there is strict communication between the peripheral immunologic system and the central nervous system. In spite of the inflammatory system having a vital role for damage prevention, chronicity may be responsible for several neurological diseases and their progression. As such, the goal of this discipline is to introduce the immune system physiology, interactions between the immune and central nervous systems, and focus on processes, from diagnostic of neuroinflammation to the interaction with the innate and acquired immune system.
Teacher: Jean Pierre Oses
Credits: 02

Study of the concepts and elements involved in the biochemical structure and functioning of the nervous system. The goal is to discuss the neurochemical elements and processes in physiological and pathological situations, particularly aspects of the cellular communication.
Teachers: Jean Pierre Oses and Gabriele Cordenonzi Ghisleni
Credits: 02

Study of ontogeny and vulnerability of the central nervous system during the stages of development, correlating the behavioral and biological aspects.
Teacher: Gabriele Cordenonzi Ghisleni
Credits: 02

Public Health Policies I and II (Doctorate)
Aims to introduce national Public Health Policies, guidelines and regulations referring to the main national problems in the health area, especially regarding the population of women, children and adolescents. Also seeks to discuss the dilemmas, challenges and future perspectives regarding those problems.
Credits: 02 (each)

Preventive practices in Mother-Infant Health
Practical acting strategies which promote quality of life and child development, addressing preventive actions for the most frequent causes of mother and infant deaths.
Teacher: Elaine Pinto Albernaz
Credits: 02

Family Health
Assessment and monitoring o the welfare model strategies, operationalization of the deployment of multi professional teams in basic health units. Focus in actions for health promotion, prevention, recovery, rehabilitation of the most frequent diseases and grievances, and maintenance of the collective health.
Teachers: Fernando Celso Lopes Fernandes de Barros and Fábio Monteiro da Cunha Coelho
Credits: 02
Health in the Life Cycle
To promote and stimulate basic actions of health assistance, address the process of growth and normal development of the individual, to assess deviations from normality and to promote, prevent and correct those deviations
Credits: 02

Advanced Lab Techniques for Research
The discipline seeks to demonstrate technical aspects of each technology discussed, as well as its applications in research and diagnostics; after the theoretical class, the next class will include a visit to the laboratory, with a practical demonstration and students participation in using the technique in question. Chromatography, Westem-Blotting; PCR; Gene Sequencing; Cell Culture; Immunohistochemistry; Scanning Electronic Microscopy; e Transmission Electronic Microscopy.
Teachers: Gabriele Cordenonzi Ghisleni, Fernanda Nedel, Adriano Martimbianco de Assis, Jean Pierre Oses, Hiram Laranjeira de Almeida Júnior.
Credits: 02

Topics in Epidemiology
This discipline’s goals are:
To encourage the application of epidemiology in the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health; To introduce the student to the nature and application of the epidemiological method; To present several relevant and current topics in quantitative research; To develop critic reading of scientific articles.
Teachers: Elaine Pinto Albernaz
Credits: 02